If the cat loses its hair, it is completely normal, especially in long-haired cats and during the changes of season : during the winter the hair thickens while in the summer it becomes thinner. This is a mechanism that allows the cat to adapt to the climate.
Taking care of your cat’s fur is very important: a fundamental care is to brush the hair at least three times a week to eliminate dead hair.
But how do you know if your cat sheds more hair than normal?
The best way to understand this is to check the quality of the hair that the cat sheds. If the coat is shiny, smooth and clean is a healthy coat and so is your cat.
What are the causes of hair loss?
1. Stress : Cats, like people, have feelings and memories and for this reason, like us, they can suffer from psychological problems and stress . In this case, stress can lead to more hair loss. A tip is to give more attention to the cat in order to make him feel happier and pampered.
2. Allergies and diseases: Cats can develop allergies and diseases such as folliculitis, and alopecia, These allergies and diseases are manifested by itching and can lead the cat to lick itself more frequently: in this way the hair shaft is damaged and you get the impression that the cat sheds patches of hair. In these cases it is always good to contact the veterinarian.
But how to reduce cat hair loss?
1. Brush the cat well : As already mentioned, first of all it is essential to brush it regularly , because in addition to removing dead hair, it also helps to ensure that the cat sheds less around the house and above all that it ingests less, avoiding forming the hairballs.
2. Control nutrition: The rule for a healthy coat is proper nutrition and hydration , which is difficult to achieve when the cat eats only dry food because it contains much less water than wet food . The quality of the coat also depends on the correct intake of some minerals and amino acids, such as Omega 3 fatty acids . If these nutrients are lacking, the cat’s coat can become dull and dry.
3. Do not make the cat addicted to licking its hair : The act of licking produces the release of endorphins (substances similar to morphine) in the circulatory system of the cat, giving it a kind of euphoria that can cause addiction.
These are the basic rules to ensure that our cat always has a beautiful shiny coat. Having a few hairballs around the house is normal, but if you feel something wrong with your cat, contact your trusted veterinarian. Their health is as important as ours!