It is no coincidence that our 4-legged friends are called ” man’s best friends “: in fact, between dog and owner there is always a beautiful harmony. For the dog, the owner represents a real single point of reference , a guide to follow. We show our love for them every day, but what are the behaviors that make us understand that they feel the same affection for us?
Here is the list of the main attitudes to understand if our dog feels affection towards us:
- Does he party when he sees you: Even if you have been away from your Fido for a short time, does he welcome you with a lot of parties? This is a first clear sign of great love! Being separated even for a short time from you is always unpleasant for our puppy. But when this behavior becomes excessive, it can be a sign that the dog is suffering from abandonment syndrome or is particularly suffering from separation from you.
- Scondizola : It is often thought that the wagging is only a manifestation of happiness, but be careful, it is not always the case. Often the dog wags its tail even in case of fear, fear or apprehension. To understand if our dog wags his tail for happiness, just observe if in addition to the tail, the lower part of the body also moves.
- Fills you with kisses on the face: If we love our dog, we can’t be too picky! Although some owners may not like it, a great show of affection towards us is to give us lots of kisses!
- He jumps on you: It is one of the most well-known behaviors (and also less welcome, especially after a nice stroll in the park …). AND the dog’s most instinctive demonstration of affection, but if it becomes too intrusive, it can be a sign of dominance: for this problem there are specific exercises to teach the dog to moderate.
- Belly Up: Who hasn’t happened to see a dog on his stomach? When they lie on their backs, it means that they ask for caresses and cuddles: being a sign of submission to those in front of them, the dog gives you complete trust in you.
- Invites you to play: play is a fundamental component of the dog’s life. When your puppy brings you his toy, he is inviting you to interact with him to share a moment of activity together.
- It monitors you if you are sick: as already mentioned, for the dog the owner is his point of reference. For this reason, the dog often has a protective instinct: the dog realizes when there is something wrong or when you are not well, his instinct will lead him to watch over you at all times.
Each dog has its own way of showing affection and love towards its owner, and this is what makes it unique. Sometimes he makes us understand it with a look, others with a smile: the important thing is that our puppies are always happy and serene!