We all know the expression: “ to be like dog and cat ” to identify two very different people, who together do not get along at all.

In reality, the dog and the cat are not bitter enemies, as they are often depicted in the collective imagination, but rather they can become close friends ! It is enough to know the characteristics that differentiate the two species and to take some precautions accordingly.

Dog VS Cat

First of all, in fact, we must be aware that dogs and cats are very different animals, both in origin and in character.

The dog is notoriously a social animal, linked to the pack, and as such is subject to the hierarchy. Indeed, it is naturally led to associate the pack leader in his master and for this reason he will always be led to follow his instructions.

Instead the cat is a very territorial animal , famous for being solitary and individualistic.

Dogs and Cats have two different ways of communicating

Both of our furry friends communicate through body language. However, one and the same behavior can also have opposite meanings, depending on who is adopting it …

The tail : if the cat approaches with a straight tail it means that it is well predisposed towards us, while the same position in the dog is synonymous with domination and bravado. When the tail is waved, on the other hand, in the dog it is a sign of happiness and a demonstration of affection, while if the cat does the same thing, it is better to stay away from him, because he wants to communicate that he is nervous …

The ears: if the cat keeps its ears down and backwards, it means that it is really angry! While the same move, for the dog, is a sign of playfulness.

Dog and cat are two very different animals… and for a healthy coexistence you need to know how to make cat and dog get along together at home. Here are some suggestions.

Respect the spaces for our four-legged friends

Respect and management of spaces for dogs and cats it is the basis for guaranteeing a peaceful and serene relationship. Each animal must have its own kennel, its own food bowls and its own toys. Neither of them should ever feel violated in their own spaces, so as to preserve their freedom.

The cat then, needing to control the territory and sometimes to be “left alone”, must be able to reach the high spaces of the house (shelves, shelves or shelves) so that it can take refuge and observe everything from above, so from protect your individuality and escape the sometimes unwanted attention of the dog.

Dog and Cat Together as Puppies

The easiest way to get a good coexistence right away is to adopt the two furry friends when they are both still puppies. In this way, a beautiful bond of fraternal friendship will be created in a spontaneous and natural way. In this case the play factor will be the key to allowing them to get to know each other … and love each other!

For our part, while they play, we must be careful not to intervene in favor of one or the other, so as not to immediately trigger jealousies and allow our puppies to explore each other freely.

The role of the owner in the coexistence between dog and cat

A peaceful and friendly coexistence is possible even if the two furry roommates know each other as adults. If it is true that a good relationship depends a lot on the character of each animal, it is equally true that in these cases the role of the owner is crucial. In fact, it is important, at least in the beginning, be present and observe the behavior of our four-legged friends, in order to avoid any aggressive attitudes on both sides. Another fundamental element is to reward positive behaviors and discourage negative ones, shifting the attention of the annoyed animal to something that can capture its interest. In addition, it is important to treat the two family members as equals, to make them feel loved and welcomed equally.

It must be borne in mind that a new cat or dog in the house, in addition to its cheerfulness and tenderness, will also bring big changes in the daily routine of the family.. It is important to be aware of this and to adopt a gradual insertion of the newcomer, without upsetting the habits of the animal that we already had.

Same thing if we want to take a dog but we already have one: we must be good at welcoming a second dog in the house , without causing problems to the friend already present!

Take some small precautions, having a dog and a cat who love each other at home will be one of the most beautiful experiences you can have!