Small but frequent meals. Feeding for kittens, born a few weeks or a few months old, should be like this. In fact, our feline friends have very small and delicate stomachs in the early stages of life. If you have planned to have a cat come home, be prepared.

How much should a 1 month old kitten eat

After the first 3/4 weeks of life, the kitten is ready for weaning . You can start by letting him find the food in the bowl even 4 times a day, just remember to clean it well. In this phase, nutrition aims at growth – a bit like a newborn – so the cat needs a diet that strengthens its bones and helps the development of muscles : protein , nutritious and energetic.

Homemade nutrition

At 2 months, the cat is already weaned and ready for “adult” feeding. It is at this moment that you have to decide whether to opt for a home diet or a commercial one (possibly natural) .

When preparing food at home usually boiled chicken breast is given, which is easier to digest, boiled carrots blended together with very cooked pasta and slowly you can also add pieces of boiled egg or boiled fish without bones. In some cases, even homogenized meat and vegetables.


Home nutrition is quite risky as knowing how to dose the right nutrients and caloric intake of each meal is quite complex, especially in a phase of extreme importance such as the first months of development.

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The commercial diet comes to your aid in this with cans and kibble.

However, we must be careful in choosing them as not all meat is real meat . If we choose the commercial diet, we must pay attention to the can and / or croquette we buy by reading the label carefully.

Choose the type of diet you prefer but in any case pay attention to what you feed your kitten at this stage.

Also remember that the amount useful for healthy development which, roughly, is around 30% of your body weight, with an increase that must take place gradually every day. Even a few grams are significant!

Another important point to remember is the alternation between wet food – such as cans or bags – and dry food, such as kibble. In fact, our kitty friend needs both.

Kittens and thirst

While it might sound strange, cats don’t need milk , which can cause diarrhea. Rather, cats should always have water available. Since our furry friends are also a bit “demanding” and need to drink enough water , know that they prefer large, fresh and far from food bowls.

In conclusion, as for us humans, even for newborn kittens it is good to get used to different types of flavors – commercial or home – and to have a varied diet, without ever exaggerating with the quantities!

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