Often we tend to take it for granted that, while the dog can recognize our gestures and learn from our voice, for the cat it is impossible … Well, we reveal a “secret”: even our feline friends, if educated and accustomed gradually, are able to understand our gestures, interpret the tone of our voice and respond with certain actions , just like a dog!

In fact, we’ll tell you more: cats have been shown to develop a greater understanding of human vocabulary than dogs. Furthermore, these animals have a much broader and more varied vocal spectrum than other animals, which allows them to emit a range of sounds that are also very different.

However, it is necessary to make a necessary premise: as animal lovers we must start from the assumption that, even before wanting to be understood, it would be nice to be the first to observe, listen and understand what our cat wants to communicate to us . And iThe means by which animals mainly communicate is their body, which we must therefore learn to observe.

So let’s see, in this regard, some body gestures and their interpretation:

  • TAIL. In cats, the tail, as in dogs, is a part of the body that is widely used to communicate one’s mood. For example, if the tail moves nervously it can indicate both anxiety and agitation and excitement. Or, if it is straight and curled only at the tip, then it is a sign of serenity and joy. When the tail vibrates, however, it is a clear sign that the cat is very happy to see you! If, on the other hand, the tail is bent to form an “S” accompanied by straight hair, then it is better to stay away from the feline because it is a sign of aggression. If, on the other hand, a low tail is associated with the straight hair, it can mean fear. Same thing if the cat puts its tail between its paws. (Read here how to recognize cat fears and how to best deal with them ).
  • EYES. If the pupils are dilated, it can be a sign of excitement, a desire to play, euphoria, but sometimes also of aggression. If the cat opens and closes its eyes slowly it is instead a clear sign of affection and shows that it feels comfortable and serene in our presence.
  • HEAD. When a cat raises its head and tilts it slightly to the side and backwards it tells us that it recognizes us and greets us. If he hits us gently with the head he is showing us all his affection.
  • EARS. Pulled back ears can be a sign of anxiety, fear but also joy. If, on the other hand, the ears are straight, it is a sign that the cat is on alert.
  • LANGUAGE. If your cat licks you, she is making a gesture of great affection towards you, because she is reproducing the same gesture as when the mother cleans her puppies with her tongue. Same thing if she sucks or nibbles her hair: this is how cats comb their hair together.

Then there are some very common behaviors , which in turn can be translated in a certain way:

  • Purr. It can be either a sign of happiness, satisfaction and affection, or a behavior that highlights fear, anxiety or even pain ( read more here ).
  • It rubs itself on. Clear sign of closeness, affection and request for pampering.
  • He “makes pasta” with his legs. A sign of satisfaction, happiness but also “self comfort” (replicating the gesture they did when they were children with their mothers).
  • Rub with wet nose. This gesture is another important display of affection.

Understanding these signals is very important: let us always remember, in fact, that at the basis of a good relationship there is mutual understanding. To learn more about this topic, read the article “Cat behavior: driving” .

So let’s see now what we can do instead , to better communicate with our furry loved ones :


Obviously, like all animals, cats are unable to understand the meaning of our words. However, they can associate their sound with the tone of voice with which they are said, and from this deduce our state of mind .

In particular, high tones of voice communicate positive emotions , while the lower ones are useful for communicating prohibitions or to push away , since they generate negative emotions.

For this reason, we recommend that you always speak to the cat with a calm, sweet and perhaps chant tone of voice, because this is perceived by him as a sign of affection and concern for him.

Instead, we reserve the lowest and most decisive tones when we have to express a prohibition, as in case of danger for the animal, or if it is doing things that are forbidden to it, choosing a word to use in these cases accompanied by a harsh tone of voice and stopped. For example: “No!” or, “Stop!” , or “Watch out!” , etc.


A very useful “trick” to make yourself understood by our cats, is to choose, for different occasions, a particular word and be careful to always use that . In this way the animal, while not understanding its literal meaning, learns to associate it with certain situations and to behave accordingly.

For example, if you choose the word “No!” , that will always be used. Or, if you want your cat to follow you when you go to sleep, use the same term every time, (for example, “sleep” ) and you will see that slowly your cat will even precede you into the bedroom!

Warning: often when we grumble our cat, or say no to him for something, we make the mistake of caressing him at the same time . Here, this behavior is to be avoided because it confuses the animal a lot, which perceives two opposing signals: the word of prohibition and the firm tone on the one hand, and the caresses as a demonstration of affection and approval on the other, and will not understand what you feel. and what to do …


When a new cat comes into the house, it is a good idea and rule to teach him his name immediately . How? Always greeting him with his name when you see him: “Hey Spillo!” , “Here is Missy!” , “Hi Nerino!” , etc.

The ideal then would be to have him associate his name with positive events : call him by name and then feed him, or call him and then cuddle him or let him play as he likes.

In this way the cat will be able, little by little, to identify itself with its name and so it will be possible to call it and get its attention when we need it or when it goes away from home.

Instead, we absolutely avoid yelling at the animal if it is doing something wrong, or worse still trying to correct it using a physical approach : nothing more wrong. Scolding or using force, in addition to being morally wrong, does not bring about any result other than suffering and stress in the animal.

If we really love our friends, let’s talk to them often, get them used to our voice and our presence and involve them as much as possible in our life. The more we know how to create a relationship of closeness, the more communication and mutual well-being will benefit us.