If your cat spends a lot of time indoors, a really nice thing you could do is set up a corner of the house dedicated to the cat , so that he always has everything he needs.
How to do? First we have to put ourselves in his shoes, understand what he likes and what he doesn’t like, if he prefers heights or sticking to his nails or chasing the ball. In short, we must pay close attention to the behavior of our cat to be able to create an area that is really suitable for his needs and requirements. What we are going to create must in fact be a space of its own in which to play freely and give vent to one’s liveliness.
However, it remains very important to establish precise rules, as well as in the rest of the house, also in this space, otherwise the cat will take over in a short time and the situation will become unmanageable.
Moving on to practice: what must not be missing in the ideal comfort zone for our feline friend? Let’s see some objects that our cat cannot do without.
1. THE KENNEL . As everyone knows, sleeping is the favorite hobby of our furry dogs and therefore it is a must to have a nice kennel in their private corner. There are many on the market, but let’s remember that cats really like to curl up in tight places , so be careful not to buy a kennel that is too large , otherwise it may not even take it into consideration. Among the options, there are also suspended kennels, which the cat will certainly like as it loves to stand up and climb.
2. THE FOOD BOWLS. It is essential to make at least 2 bowls available to the animal: one for water and one for treats or pate . We take care to choose a material that is not too light but more stable and solid, such as ceramic, so that the bowls do not move while the cat uses them. If, on the other hand, you have them in plastic, you can place them on a non-slip mat, so that they always stand still.

3. THE TIRAGRAFFI. It is now known to all: the cat loves to get its nails often , so it is essential to take a scratching post on which the cat can indulge and stretch a little. It would be great if the scratching post was positioned high up, so that the cat can also climb on it. The fun will be double!

4. THE GAMES. Cats love to play and therefore it is important to put in their space their favorite games, which they can use as they please. Also, if you have a large space, it would be perfect to place a tunnel where the cat can play and hide, also because it is one of the most loved objects by our feline friends! Another game that cats love a lot is hiding in boxes! It will certainly be much appreciated so if you put at least one at his disposal.

5. THE LITTER. It is important to place it away from where the cat sleeps and eats . In fact, cats are very clean animals and can be very picky, so it is important to always keep her super clean !

6. POT WITH CAT GRASS. Cat grass is a very important element because it is used by cats to clean up the gastrointestinal tract and to prevent the classic hairballs from forming in the stomach .

Obviously , no one knows your furry friend better than you, and only you know what his favorite pastimes are and what items he might like in his dedicated piece of home.
Another tip: to make this space truly special for your feline, try not to disturb him too much when he retreats to this corner of the house. In fact, this space should be like a refuge in which to feel independent, free but at the same time protected and safe .