Spending time with our puppies is wonderful, they fill our days with joy and love! Precisely for this reason we may want to welcome another furry friend in our home but … different!

What should we do if we want to welcome another furry dog into the house? And above all, how do we make living together pleasant?

The best advice is to try to adopt cats and dogs together when both are still puppies. This certainly helps to immediately establish a habitual relationship, but if our animals were already adults , how to make dog and cat live together?

Here are some tips on how to get your cat and dog to get along:

1. Create the right environment: whether it is to adopt a cat or a dog, it is good to create a suitable environment in case they do not get along in the early days. For starters, make sure you have enough space in your home for both of you so that everyone has their own space. A tip is to let them eat in different spaces, sleep in different kennels and buy their own toys for each one.

2. Leave them free to interact with each other: after a few weeks of acquaintance, it is good to make a consideration on the current situation at home : Did they react well or badly when they found themselves facing each other? Did anyone attempt to attack the other? It is normal for both the dog and the cat to be alert at first, especially during the first month of living together. In case there are serious interaction problems between them, it is good to ask your veterinarian for advice or go to a specialist.

3. Keep an eye on body language: Keep an eye on the body language of both animals, as they can reveal signs of irritability or aggression. For example, if the cat’s ears are standing back and the tail is waving vigorously, then this is clearly a bad sign. If the dog stiffens and points his ears up and fixes his gaze on the cat, he will undoubtedly be in “hunting” mode. As soon as either animal shows signs of discomfort or aggression, try to get his attention with a treat or toy and take him to another room.

Each newcomer needs time to get to know each other and get to know each other. Beyond these tips, the fundamental rule is to be patient : allow the animals to take their time and allow them to always be together under your supervision, especially for the first few times. If you follow these little tips with due patience, your puppies will become friends forever!