During Christmas, as in all holiday periods, our daily habits change and consequently it is also a time of change for our four-legged friend , who therefore needs some extra attention.

So how to spend happy holidays in the company of our furry friends?


Our four-legged friends love Christmas decorations and decorations and are fascinated by them as much and perhaps more than us! The problem is that they consider these objects so colorful and shiny, games for them . Instead, we must make him understand that this is not the case and we must be very careful to safeguard the integrity of the decorations, but above all the health of our dear friends. The Christmas tree, as well as the nativity scene, are attractions that are usually taken up especially by our cats. The advice is therefore to use a small to medium sized tree to put on a rise. If, on the other hand, you are a lover of the mega tree decorated in the living room, take care to place it near some furniture that can support it in case of a fall, and to arrange the most fragile decorations always on the highest branches. Same goes for the crib: use unbreakable elements and beware of any toxic substances! Furthermore, even in this case, the best solution would be to place the crib in a high place, as far as possible out of the reach of our beloved pets.


Yes, just like us, even our puppies will love receiving gifts for Christmas! The options are varied , and they range from purchasable items , such as technological toys, kennels, tasty and healthy snacks that they will surely appreciate, or something made by us , like a blanket or some game invented with the objects available at home. If you want to drive your cat crazy, leave some boxes and the Christmas wrapping paper aside for him … he’ll be delighted to play with it and get his nails done!

If you want some more advice, read more about what Christmas gifts for Fido could be , or what our cat friends can find under the tree .


During the holidays we all gather at the table with friends and relatives to enjoy tasty and delicious dishes that maybe we allow ourselves only on these occasions … But be careful not to include our four-legged friends in these exceptions! Absolute ban on giving them leftovers , if we care about their health and to spend a peaceful and smooth holiday for everyone. If you want to make your furry friend part of the table, just reserve him one of his healthy snacks , specially designed for him: there are in fact different snack solutions for the dog and snacks for the cat . This will surely make him happy and he will not feel left out even though there are many new people in the house and most importantly – his health will be safe!


If we are planning to move from home for the holidays, and bring our trusty furry friend with us, we must also equip ourselves for his needs. Let us remember, however, that while the dog tends to adapt a little better to travel, the cat instead appreciates little change and does not like to travel at all! If you are traveling with the dog, get the separation net, so that our furry dog does not jump into the front seats. While if we are facing the journey with the cat, it will be essential that it be placed in the carrier, for its safety and for that of all the people in the passenger compartment … as we said the cat does not like to travel and its moves could be unpredictable.

The advice is always to take your own car , so as to be autonomous, to be able to stop if necessary at any time, and have more space to keep everything needed for our dear friend at hand.

Whether you stay at home or not, the holidays are definitely an excellent opportunity to take advantage of spend more time with those we love: family and four-legged friends! It might be a good idea to take long walks to get our dog to kick, or enjoy the cat’s purr, snuggled together in the blankets …