The game for the dog is a fundamental activity, because it is a moment of sharing with his owner and on which his education is based. It is also important for the development of psycho-physical abilities and physical and mental health : through play the dog has fun, exercises and learns about the world around him. Thanks to this activity, the dog also learns to socialize and acquires self-control.
But how do you teach your dog the right way to play? And above all, what are the things not to do?
Here are some tips:
- Finding intelligent games: there are toys for dogs on the market designed to make them “tired” by engaging them in cognitive activities (such as looking for food in small containers).
- Do not teach to play with your hands: If your dog learns to play by nibbling your hands, it is likely that he will have the same behavior with other people or with other family members, including children.
- Teach him to control: During some more eventful games, it is possible that the dog may get excessively aroused and lose control. In these cases, a tip may be to suspend play and resume after the dog has calmed down and reassured.
- Do activities every day: the dog, small or large, needs to do activities every day, playing, chewing, walking. Should a lot of time pass inactive, a valid remedy can be chewing games, such as dog bone.
- Avoid leaving the toys always available: in order to avoid that the dog loses interest in them and that he is always looking for more fun news.
- Teach him that some objects are not toys: it is important to make your dog understand which objects are toys and which are not, such as shoes, soft toys for children or leashes. It is therefore good not to use them as entertainment tools.
Therefore, play for the dog is essential for his health and for his education. The important thing is to teach him the rules and discipline , especially to be able to be among others and to play with other dogs!