What is the Processionary and how to recognize it

The Processionary ( Thaumetopoea Pityocampa) is a very common moth in Europe. In the larval stage we can find it in the form of caterpillar of about 4 centimeters , with a very funny appearance: it has a yellow band on the back and is covered with a thick down. Another peculiar feature, useful to distinguish it from other species of caterpillars, is its always moving in single file one after the other, as if to form a “ procession ” (hence the name).

In what period are they located and where.

The Processionary nests mainly on pine , oak and cedar trees. Starting from March to the end of May , they descend from the trees and, in procession, walk the ground looking for the right place to transform into cocoons. At this stage the likelihood of encountering them in the woods , parks , or streets neighbors is very high, and it would be better to avoid bringing our dog to these areas during the spring. As we know, in fact, our beloved little dogs love smell the ground during their walks and the risk of running into these insects would be too high.

Why are they dangerous and for whom.

In summer, the processionaries turn into harmless moths, but from caterpillars they are very dangerous due to the thick hair they are covered with, which is extremely stinging on contact. These bristles with the wind, and with the same movement of the insect, are dispersed in the air and can be very dangerous for humans, and potentially lethal to our animal friends. Their hair is also equipped with small hooks, which allows them to attach very easily to the skin, mucous membranes and fur of our dog or cat.

For dogs , the danger is greater because they risk inhaling or ingesting them during their usual patrols of the land during the walk.

Symptoms and Effects of the Processionary on the Dog

If our furry friend were to run into this insect, we should easily notice it because the effects are immediate : allergic reactions of various degrees (depending on the amount with which the animal came into contact), itching even very strong, rashes skin of different intensity, eye irritation and respiratory tract. The most serious effects are due to inhalation or ingestion they cause inflammation of the respiratory tract and mouth, swelling of the tongue and necrosis of the parts that came into direct contact with the bristles of the caterpillar.

THE symptoms that we can find are: weakness, general loss of liveliness, refusal of food, intense salivation, fever, even up to He retched And diarrhea.

What to do in case of contact with the Processionary

In the unfortunate event that there has been a contact between our animal and a processionary, it is important to act quickly , to avoid the most serious consequences.

First we need to remove the residual hair from our animal (being very careful, since the bristles of processionary moths are strongly stinging even for humans). As soon as possible take care of rinse the part in question with plenty of fresh water and bicarbonate , so as to be sure that you have removed any stinging agent and thus dab the inflammation in place.

As soon as this is done, it will be important to go to our trusted veterinarian as soon as possible .

The attention to the places where we take our dear animals for a walk ( pet-friendly itinerary ) and the timeliness in case of contact with a dangerous insect such as the processionary moth, will be two precious elements to safeguard the well-being of our beloved furry friends !