Summer is over and autumn is upon us: in this period, due to the change of season, it is not uncommon to notice sudden changes in temperature, and just like us, our animal friends can suffer .

But how can we manage it?

Here are some tips and tricks to prevent the discomfort that our four-legged friends can have during this period.

1: When the temperatures begin to drop, limit the outings and longer walks to the central hours of the day, when the temperature is higher, in this way our furry one will suffer less from the sudden change in temperature.

2: If it rains or gets wet, dry the fur and paws : bathing in this season is not absolutely forbidden, but you must be sure that they are dry before taking them out.

3: If your pet is small, use the padded and waterproof coat : contrary to popular belief, this accessory is not a useless vanity, it is important for smaller dogs, especially if the dog is used to living indoors in the colder months. Because the high temperatures in apartments do not stimulate undercoat growth, they are not sufficiently protected from cold or rain outside the home, so using a waterproof coat when it rains prevents them from getting too wet and staying wet for a long time.

4: Avoid that they are in too hot places when they are at home: when the temperature goes down outside, it can be very pleasant to be in a warm house, but be careful that it is not an excessively high temperature, it is not good for our furry friends at all . The dry air that is created in the environment dehydrates the airways of animals which can cause respiratory diseases . Furthermore, the likelihood that large changes in temperature are created when passing from one environment to another or between indoors and outdoors increase.

Despite all the precautions taken, it can happen that our animals get sick anyway.

The symptoms of the discomfort they may have are those of common seasonal affections, therefore, tracheitis, laryngitis, rhinitis up to pneumonia with cough, runny nose and red eyes. But you can also have gastrointestinal symptoms with diarrhea, abdominal pain, loss of appetite and fatigue.

But what to do if our pet gets sick?

1 : Have the animal examined by the veterinarian if these symptoms persist for more than two days or if we see our dog particularly in pain.

2 : Avoid DIY : Medicines for human use are not good for animals and can even be toxic. The same applies to those for veterinary use, if used inappropriately. Consult your veterinarian and strictly follow his instructions for the administration of any therapies and drugs.

These are some tips to follow to make our four-legged friends feel as good as possible during the change of seasons.

While we can’t stay outside and play for as long as we did during the summer, we just need to be together with our furry friends to feel good!