Meanwhile, we must know that the dog learns to communicate in a natural way, thanks to the contact with the mother and the other brothers and sisters of the litter, from three weeks of life to about three months. This is a very important and delicate moment in his growth to develop healthy adult behavior and to internalize a series of well-defined methods of communication, which will belong to him forever.

That said, it is very important for those who have a dog in their family to learn to observe their furry friend well, to understand the meaning of their behaviors and actions.. In fact, these represent an explicit and well-coded way of communicating, as language is for us.

It all starts with an accurate and careful observation of gestures, to be able to recognize, read and interpret what our four-legged friend wants to communicate to us.


Now let’s see in detail what are the most common gestures that we could observe in our animal and what it means to us when it implements them.

  • Low tones . They usually indicate a situation in which our dog feels threatened and therefore becomes defensive; or they indicate that he is very angry about something and may be a harbinger of attack.
  • High pitched tones . A dog languishing indicates a situation of fear, pain or suffering. If, on the other hand, the acute tones are not whiny, they could also indicate a moment of happiness and pleasure. How to recognize it? If the bark is short but repeated, it is probably a signal of arousal, conversely if it is a prolonged howl it is more likely that it is fear.
  • The ears . Depending on how they are placed, they can communicate very different things. If they are straight and slightly forward they indicate a state of attention but also of surprise. If, on the other hand, they are pressed downwards, they signal a state of discomfort, fear or fear.
  • Mouth open . This indicates a very positive situation, one of absolute calm and tranquility.
  • Show your teeth . It is usually a negative signal, as it is used by the animal to scare those in front of it and warn that it is very angry, and could herald a possible defensive attack. However, in females this gesture can sometimes mean submission.
  • Keep the tail between the legs. This is a typical sign of discomfort. If the tail is tense but high it means alert, if instead it is low and curved inwards it indicates strong fear and concern. In fact, it means that he is happy and relaxed when his tail is mobile and wagging.
  • Yawn. It is a gesture that can have a double meaning: if on the one hand it can indicate calm and relaxation, on the other, if accompanied by gestures such as the ears backwards, turn the head away and look out of the corner of the eye. instead, it could be a sign of stress.
  • Push with the muzzle . In this way our four-legged friend is looking for our attention or our cuddles. It is one of the most beautiful and positive gestures we can receive, because it comes from the gesture he made as a puppy when he was looking for his mother’s milk. This is one of the many positive signs that show us if the dog loves us .
  • To lick. If a dog licks a person, it means that he is showing him all his affection. It is therefore a strongly positive signal of interaction and goodness of our animal. However, it can sometimes appear that the dog is doing this in a frantic and nervous way. In this case, however, it is a symptom of stress.
  • Smell on the ground. It is a sign of calm and good predisposition that the dog uses when it is outside its environment, to demonstrate peace and kindness towards others similar, but at the same time that it wants to stay in its space.
  • Walk in circles with another dog. This gesture means that the two animals are getting to know and socializing in a polite and respectful way. It is therefore a very positive sign of peace but at the same time of interest in the other animal.
  • Stretch. When the animal does it in front of a fellow animal, it is an invitation to play together. In this case the gesture will be accompanied by the wagging of the tail and is a signal of liveliness and happiness of the dog. (If you want to know how to best entertain and play with your dog , read our dedicated article).
  • Stand still with your eyes half open . It is a sign of tranquility and absolute calm that the dog shows when he feels fully comfortable and safe. It is therefore a very appreciable gesture.
  • Lie on your stomach . In this case the animal wants to show us that he is completely at ease with you, show you his submission and at the same time require a little pampering and caresses on the belly.
  • Repeated and aimless movements. These are probable compulsive behaviors that are good to observe carefully (such as chasing the tail in a nervous way). They are often a symptom of stress and uncomfortable conditions, both physical and behavioral. In this case it is advisable to show the animal to a veterinarian experienced in animal behavior, before these gestures become difficult to treat.
  • Shake up. The dog uses this gesture to shake off stress or boredom.

We have listed the most common behaviors in our four-legged friends. It being understood, however, that, like people, each dog has its own personality and character and therefore makes a separate story . Everything is in the careful and assiduous observation of our furry to understand his feelings and moods and thus establish a happier and closer relationship with him.

If you are interested in knowing how to interpret the gestures of your feline friend, read the guide on cat behavior .